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About FutureTech Financial, Inc.


Both the Fair Credit Reporting Act and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act allow for credit reporting agencies, collection agencies, and creditors to REFUSE to process a DISPUTE submitted by a consumer (or credit repair organization) that was prepared by a credit repair organization. They can also just choose to ignore a dispute submission. That’s right! These laws were specifically crafted to take away YOUR right to utilize an experienced credit repair service that knows your credit reporting and debt collection rights.

Fact: 99% of all consumers do not know their credit reporting or debt collection rights, and this is how the credit reporting and debt collection industries prey upon innocent, uninformed consumers. The credit reporting and debt collection industries, along with their respective industry associations, paid big money to lobbyists to encourage Congress to draft these laws in their favor, not a consumer’s.

FutureTech Financial, while NOT A CREDIT REPAIR ORGANIZATION, uses “loopholes” in these laws to FORCE credit reporting agencies, collection agencies, and creditors to respond to a consumer’s dispute, investigate credit reporting and debt collection violations that our forensic audit uncovers, and update or remove the items of information that are in violation. Our legally registered not-for-profit affiliate, Consumer’s Financial Institute, Inc., handles the entire dispute process for our clients, FREE of charge. The ONLY charge to our client is for our forensic credit report audit and non-credit repair consultation.

Dave Pippin


Office Address

Corporate Offices ( U.S ) 255 Primera Blvd., Suite 160
Lake Mary, Florida 32746

Contact Address

Office Phone Number: 321-236-2911
Cell Phone: 407-409-6774
E-Fax: 570-227-3725


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