There are many companies in your neighborhood and online advertising some sort of credit improvement service. How do you make the right decision about who to trust with something as sensitive and important as improving your credit profile and rating?
We suggest that you ask these questions when considering a credit consulting firm or credit restoration company:
First, who is the founder of that company, and what are his/her background, experience, and accomplishments in the credit and debt collection industry?
If you look at Lexington Law, Sky Blue, Ovation, Trinity, and most others, they do not offer that information or very limited information.
Do they charge a nominal “startup fee” or “credit analysis fee” and then a low monthly fee for their services?
If you check their fine print, they may only dispute a negative item or two at a time per month and only on one of the credit bureau reports at a time. This process could take forever to purge your reports of inaccurate negative accounts. Meanwhile the “fee meter” is running.
For example, if you have 10 negative issues on each report, and they only dispute two items at a time, it will take about 15 months to see any real, overall results.
From a cost standpoint, you can figure this: $99.00 “first work” fee, and then $79.00 per month, equates into almost $1,300.00 over the 15-month service period.
Are they “Certified FICO Professionals”?
This means that they have completed and passed a difficult comprehensive training course developed by the original creators of the credit scoring system, Fair Isaac and Company, Inc. This course educates mortgage and other financial professionals in the intricate aspects of credit scoring. DAVE PIPPIN OF FUTURETECH FINANCIAL IS THE ONLY DIRECTOR OF A CREDIT CONSULTING FIRM WHO CAN CLAIM THIS DESIGNATION.
Do they have any experience in the mortgage industry?
Dave Pippin, FutureTech Financial’s founder, was in the mortgage industry for 7 years (2003 to 2010).
Do they have any experience in the real estate industry?
Dave Pippin has been a real estate investor for 19 years. He has had a direct interest in hundreds of single-family properties and multi-family apartment complexes over that period of time.
Do they mention that they can help you to sue creditors, collection agencies, and credit reporting agencies for violations of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act, and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act?
We prepare your forensic credit report audit and refer it to a competent attorney of your choice for prosecution. FutureTech Financial, Inc. is NOT a law firm and does not render legal advice.
If they are an “attorney-based” or an “attorney-affiliated” company, do they mention they will take a violation case on a contingency basis?
We have relationships with attorneys nationwide who may takes cases on a contingency (no upfront fee) basis. FutureTech Financial, Inc., is not a law firm and does not render legal advice.
Do they tout an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau?
Caution. That rating can be “purchased” from the Better Business Bureau. Google “BBB A+ Rating Scandal,” and check out the ABC News report. This tells the real story about BBB Accreditation. We are not now, nor will we ever be, a Better Business Bureau member.
Do they have their own long-running local broadcast radio show?
Join Dave Pippin of FutureTech Financial for “The Financial Power Hour” every Saturday at 11:00 AM on 1190 WAMT (Orlando). Currently, the show is on hiatus for retooling the format. “The Financial Power Hour” is due to return to the airwaves by July 2017.
Do they claim to be some kind of “Certified Credit Expert”?
Certified by whom? Certified by an industry association of some kind? If they are not FICO certified, then they are not really certified.
Are they working with Congress to make fundamental changes to credit reporting and debt collection laws that will benefit consumers who have suffered as a result of the recession?
Dave Pippin is working with his congressional representatives to enact major changes to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act, and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act in order to improve the consumer credit rating system across the board and shorten the time during which negative information can be reported about consumers.